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Freq. Asked Questions - FAQs

In this area, you will find a collection of frequently asked questions about our products. Most of them were answered, to some of them we can give you a 'workaround', that will help you, until the final solution or bug-fix is released.

Before you initiate a new support-request, it really makes sense to browse through this section 'cause here you will find a lot of answers and proposed solutions.

I. Installation
  • Are there any special system requirements?
    The Diagnostician was developed and tested under Microsoft Windows XP and Microsoft Windows Vista. Due to the fact that the Diagnostician does not use special OS related system calls, the Diagnostician should also run under Windows 2000 and Windows NT too. If you can approve this, we would be glad to hear from you!

  • Is there anything to consider while installing the software?
    No. Just download the latest version from this website and start the installation. 
    You need neither special administration privileges nor any deeper knowledge about computer internals or any other mystifying stuff to install the software.

  • Does the Diagnostician provide an update feature?
    The Diagnostician has its own - build in - update wizard. If you want to know if there is a newer version of the Diagnostician available, just start the Update Wizard. You will find him in menu 'Help (?)' -> 'New Updates available?' The wizard will guide you through the update process in a few simple steps.

    If you do not have a direct internet connection simply download the latest version from the Diagnostician from our website on an other PC and store it e.g. on you USB memory stick. From there it's just connecting the stick to your destination PC and calling 'SETUP.EXE' to update your Diagnostician installation. 

    In both cases it's not neccessary to uninstall the current installation before installing the new one.

II. Licensing
  • How to activate my evaluation period?

  • What will happen with my data when the evaluation period expired?

  • How to activate the software license?

III. Daily Operation
  • How to connect to an network based database server?